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College Reunion

17th September 2018 at 8.30pm, Radcliffe Hall



Opening Celebration

24th September 2018 at 7pm, Dominican Chapel


Holy Mass at 7pm followed by the welcome dinner in the Dominican Priory.

SAS preparatory meeting

1st October 2018 at 8.30pm, Radcliffe Hall


What SAS this year?

SAS Society

22nd October 2018

7.30pm, Supper in the Common Room

8.30pm, lecture in the Radcliffe Hall


Dr Marie-des-Neiges Ruffo, Dépasser les limites: pourquoi la violence?


29th October 2018

7.30pm, Supper in the Common Room

8.30pm, lecture in the Radcliffe Hall


Fr Zbigniew Krysiewicz, OP, Paintings that preach the Gospel. Bartimeaus.

All Saints Celebration

1st November 2018 at 7pm, Dominican Chapel


We will celebrate the commemoration of all saints as well as all our faithful departed.

Candle Mass for our beloved who have gone from this world. May they rest in peace.


Saint Albert Patronal Feast

12th November 2018 at 7pm, Dominican Chapel


Holy Mass followed by a dinner at the Dominican Priory.


SAS Society

19th November 2018

7.30pm, Supper in the Common Room

8.30pm, lecture in the Radcliffe Hall


Fr Dominique Janthial, René Girard et “Bouc émissaire”


SAS Society

26th November 2018

7.30pm, Supper in the Common Room

8.30pm, lecture in the Radcliffe Hall


Dr Marie-des-Neiges Ruffo, Dépasser les limites: pour quoi des robots?


10th December 2018

7.30pm, Supper in the Common Room

8.30pm, lecture in the Radcliffe Hall


Fr Zbigniew Krysiewicz, OP, Annunciation and the Birth of Christ according to the Early Netherlandish painters

Saint Nicolas and Christmas

17th December 2018 at 7pm, Dominican Chapel


Holy Mass followed by a dinner in the College.



Café universitaire

Université de cultures

11th February 2019 at 6pm, Radcliffe Hall


Prof. Didier Viviers – Secrétaire perpétuel de l’Académie Royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-arts de Belgique, Recteur honoraire de l’ULB

Prof. Sébastien Van Bellegem


College Reunion 2

11th February 2019 at 8.30pm, Radcliffe Hall



Café universitaire

Quelle politique de genre pour l’université?

21st February 2019 at 12.30pm, Radcliffe Hall


Mme Isabella Lenarduzzi, fondatrice et directrice générale de JUMP

Prof. Sébastien Van Bellegem


Café universitaire

Quels engagements à l’université pour le climat?

11th March 2019 at 6.30pm, Radcliffe Hall


Mme Zakia Khattabi, Co-présidente du parti Ecolo

Prof. Sébastien Van Bellegem


SAS Society

11th March 2019

7.30pm, Supper in the Common Room

8.30pm, lecture in the Radcliffe Hall


Dr Marie-des-Neiges Ruffo, Qu'est-ce que la vertu?


1st April 2019

7.30pm, Supper in the Common Room

8.30pm, lecture in the Radcliffe Hall


Fr Zbigniew Krysiewicz, OP, From Rembrandt to Tissot - the Story of the Prodigal Son



8 - 19 April 2019


Easter Dinner

29th April 2019


7pm, Holy Mass in the Dominican chapel

7.45pm, Easter Dinner in the priory

SAS Society

6th May 2019

7.30pm, Supper in the Common Room

8.30pm, lecture in the Radcliffe Hall


Fr Patrick Gillard, OP, La miséricorde au milieu carcéral



20 May - end of June 2019


The Blackfriars Talks

Towards the Better World, Beneath the Surface

31st May 2019 at 5.30pm, The Blackfriars


Dr Kardi Tastan, Senior Fellow in German Marshall Fund, Turkey, A Critical International Actor in the Middle East


Closing Ceremony

24th June 2019


7pm, Holy Mass in the Dominican chapel

7.45pm, Delicious BBQ in the pub

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