Contemplare et contemplata aliis tradere, wrote around 1265 St Thomas Aquinas in his Summa Theologiae, and these words quickly became one of the Dominican Order mottos. “Contemplate and share with others (or hand down to others) the fruits of contemplation”. Speak with God and share with others what you have heard. Study, and share with others what you have learnt. Search for the Truth and join others in their search. This is what makes us Dominicans.
And this is why we came to Louvain-la-Neuve in 2010. We wish to share with you our passion for God and discover with you his beauty shining through the world.
We seek a hidden pearl of his presence everywhere it can be found. We rejoice experiencing his saving power. We know that his kingdom is near, at hand.
You are more than welcome to join us in this quest.
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